Civil Litigation Lawyers in Parramatta, Sydney

Civil Litigation is the procedure to resolve disputes between businesses, individuals, and other organizations with the help of courts in Australia. Civil Litigation can be initiated through several contexts, like property disputes, negligence claims, contract disputes, and more.

Civil Litigation is a complex and lengthy process, but you can navigate through it with the help of legal advice and an understanding of the critical factors. It is essential to seek legal advice in the early stages of the Litigation. It will prevent your business from facing significant losses, and you can also make a strategy to avoid the upcoming situation on time.

Aussie Legal Partners has a team of qualified civil litigation lawyers who will walk you through the process with outstanding professionalism and dedication. We have a record of representing thousands of civil cases in Australia with a high success rate. Our civil litigation solicitors will offer personalised solutions and carefully craft your legal documents.

We know that establishing a business is one of the hardest things you have ever done, and we respect the dedication and energy you invested in your industry. That’s why our civil litigation attorney lawyers in Sydney, Parramatta show excellent commitment to resolve your legal problems, disputes and disagreements. Contact us today for the much-needed legal advice on your legal matters.

Practice Areas of Our Civil Litigations Lawyers in Sydney, Parramatta

1. Debt

Debt arises when a person is legally responsible for returning another person’s money, but the debtor fails to repay the creditor. The debt recovery procedure involves the creditor who lent the money and the debtor who could not pay the amount within the committed timespan.

Our team of litigation lawyers is set to initiate the debt recovery procedure for you to get your money back, which the debtor owns. Our professional civil litigation solicitors will guide you according to Australian laws regarding the debt recovery process. Handover your case to our virtuoso lawyers and forget about all your legal problems because our lawyers will take care of your civil matters.

2. Employment

Australian employment laws are meant to protect the rights of employees at both the federal and state levels. It would help if you stayed aware of the employment laws as their laws cover almost all the workplaces in Australia with minimum requirements. You can keep yourself safe from potential damages and legal problems if you know employment laws.

Our litigation solicitors are well known in the industry because of their fight against injustice and discrimination happening with employees based on gender, race, sex and disabilities. Contact our lawyers to get the much-needed legal advice regarding your employment.

3. Business Interruption

Business interruption insurance replaces earnings lost during an event that stops the business due to direct physical loss or damage. Business interruptions can be crucial for small companies, especially tiny ones. Seeking legal advice for your business interruption is the best way to save your business.

Are you also facing a business interruption? Contact our lawyers today to lodge your claim with your insurer. We will look into the details of your business, make the report of your damage and collect evidence to support your claim. 

4. Shareholder / Member

Shareholder disputes are not uncommon in the business industry. If these disputes are left unresolved, they will impact your business’s market value and growth. If you are involved in a shareholder dispute, the chance of negligence of your rights is relatively high. You must seek legal advice if your rights as a shareholder are being suppressed.

Our litigation attorneys are your legal guides to solve disputes and protect your rights. We will look into your shareholder agreement and highlight the breaching points of the contract to represent you in the courtroom with solid evidence. Contact our civil litigation solicitors for more legal facts about your case.

5. Leasing & Property Disputes

Property and leasing disputes are often a significant issue for the property owners. These disputes arise for several reasons, including rent, maintenance, and repair. Property disputes also involve a large sum of money or land.

Our lawyers have a wide range of experience handling various property disputes. Our team of civil litigation lawyers in Sydney collaborate with our business and commercial solicitors to have a complete understanding of your case. We will put you on the path to success by protecting your business and resolving disputes according to your best interests.

6. Partnership

According to the Partnership Act 1892 (NSW), a partnership is any association between people who conduct business and intend to make money. It entails the formation of a contractual agreement between two or more parties. Partnership conflicts can occur when there is a breakdown in the partnership, when partners decide to split ways, or even when there is disagreement over how the firm is being run or where it is going.

Partnership disputes affect the growth and income of a business; therefore, it is essential to seek legal advice to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. Our litigation lawyers in Parramatta will help you determine the dispute. We will look into your partnership agreement, and if the deal does not have adequate evidence relevant to the procedure, the partnership act will fill the void.

Get in Touch With the Best Civil Law Firm in Sydney

If you want to get represented by the best civil litigation lawyers for your case then write us today!

How Aussi Legal Partners Stands Out from the Crowd?

Free Initial Consultation

We believe in building trust and creating a comfortable environment for our clients. Hence, we offer free consultations to our clients so they can make themselves easy with our litigation lawyer and have a transparent conversation. Litigation cases are crucial; clients must share all the details with the litigation solicitor. It is possible only when the client feels confident about his/her lawyer.

Our free initial consultation is a golden chance for you to test out the expertise of our litigation attorney lawyers and make a work strategy with our lawyers. You can reach out to our Litigation lawyers at any hour as we make sure to stay present online for your assistance. Get legal advice on your issues from our highly skilled lawyers.

Client-Centric approach

Aussie Legal Partners mainly focuses on becoming a law firm that keeps its clients on priority. We are providing solutions that are in the best interest of our clients and target the pain points of our clients. Our lawyers’ client-centric approach has always been a point of appreciation for our valued clients.

We have a lot of satisfied clients all over Australia. We have pledged to serve the people and preserve justice in society. Our first and foremost duty is to protect your rights, fight for you, and represent you in court with a solid case to ensure victory.

Innovation and Technology Adoption

We are focused on adopting innovation and technology at our law firm so we offer our clients with the latest solutions to their problems. Moreover, it has made us different from our competitors in the industry. We have improved our reputation in the market over the years and experienced clients’ satisfaction.

By adopting innovation and technology, we have streamlined legal processes, reduced costs, and improved productivity by automating, optimizing, or simplifying time-consuming, error-prone, or labour-intensive tasks. Contact us for a quick and reliable solution to your legal problems.

Professionals from Diverse Cultures

We have invested highly in professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds. As we all know Australia welcomes millions of immigrants every year. We have lawyers from diverse backgrounds to ensure that we can effectively collaborate with all the clients without any hurdles.

The multilingual litigation solicitors at our law firm make sure to have a transparent conversation with our clients whose mother language is other than English e.g. Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi. Feel free to contact us if you need help communicating in English. We help regardless of your culture, race, religion, and language.

Professional Growth and Learning

We pay attention to our civil litigation lawyers’ professional growth and learning. Learning and growth is a lifelong process that helps people stay competent in their field.

Our lawyers are vigilant about their growth and learning to offer their clients with the best legal services. Collaborate with our Litigation lawyers to resolve your legal disputes and experience outstanding professionalism.

Why Aussie Legal Partners Are Your Best Legal Advisors in Sydney!

Aussie Legal Partners understands that civil Litigation is a pivotal matter. You need experienced legal professionals to advise you on risks, rights, and obligations whenever you face a dispute. As your prioritized civil litigation lawyer in Sydney, Parramatta, we stand by your side and give you strategic advice to solve your dispute.

If the Litigation is unavoidable in your case, our civil litigation lawyers will navigate you through the process. We will work with you from start to end and look into the other options, including mediation and negotiation.

You may have many questions as we offer an extensive range of legal services. For instance, you may be wondering what is included in civil Litigation, whether you need a lawyer or not, or if you can afford a lawyer. You can reach out to us to find out answers to your questions. Moreover, look at the FAQ section of our page to learn more exciting things.


What are some common types of civil litigations?

A few common types of civil Litigation include:

  • Contract
  • Tort
  • Property disputes
  • Equitable claims
  • Class action
  • Landlord and tenant disputes
  • Business disputes
  • Medicine
  • Personal injury
  • Debt
  • Divorce
  • Car accidents
  • Complaint
  • Employment disputes
  • Family law litigation
  • Admiralty
  • Bankruptcy
  • Claiming compensation
  • Education Law
  • Evictions
  • False imprisonment
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Liability
  • Probate issues

How long does civil Litigation take?

Litigation cases don’t have a fixed period. It can be anywhere between a month to several years. The duration of your litigation case depends on the gravity of the dispute.

What is the cost of civil Litigation?

The cost of a litigation lawyer varies according to the qualifications:

  • Senior partner or principal cost $600 to $700
  • Associate costs $350 to 450
  • Lawyer costs $250 to $350
  • Junior lawyers cost $200 to $250
  • Graduate cost $150 to $250
  • Paralegal cost $100 to $200

What are the possible outcomes of civil Litigation?

Numerous elements will determine the possible outcome in your case. Generally speaking, some courts can only provide monetary damages, some can impose obligations on parties (known as “equitable relief”), and others have the authority to do both.