Child Custody Lawyers in Parramatta, Sydney

Aussie Legal Family Lawyers are family-oriented lawyers who aim to be your legal partners in your legal matters!


A breakdown of a marriage or relationship has never been easy, especially for the kids. In this tough decision, your children are the ones who suffer a lot. Children deserve to live in a healthy relationship with their parents. According to the Australian Family Law Act of 1975, family lawyers or other family practitioners in family courts in Australia are in charge of all matters related to family law and child custody. The child custody matter is complex and challenging for parents to deal with alone. It may require expertise and professional assistance.


Aussie Legal Partners is a registered law firm in Australia that offers a wide range of law services, including “child custody.” We have a specialized team of family lawyers who deliver the best child custody law services in Sydney. We will guide you through the legal intricacies of child custody and provide an understanding of different types of child custody arrangements and legal considerations.


Our child custody family lawyers are understandable, emotionally charged, and compassionate, as they will be on your side in your child custody-related cases. They will negotiate with your partner regarding your child custody-related issues and deliver the best possible outcomes for you. From legal advice to legal representation, our child custody solicitors will help you. They are sincerely concerned about you obtaining the best possible outcomes.


Let our child custody lawyers in Sydney handle your child’s future matters!

Practice Areas of Our Child Custody Lawyers in Parramatta

In Australia, family law and child custody matters are considered the most complex parts of the divorce process. These legal matters required expertise to deal with them. Here are some of the primary practice areas of child custody lawyers in Australia:

1. Parenting Arrangements

Parenting arrangements are written or oral agreements about the children between two partners. The agreement primarily aims to protect the child’s rights, interests, and well-being. Our parenting agreement lawyers will help the parents to negotiate, mediate, or litigate about parenting arrangements. In sum, these agreements also include determining where the child will live after the separation of their parents, how much time they will spend with each parent, and the allocation of parental responsibilities.

2. Parenting Plans

A parenting plan is a formal agreement prepared during a divorce or separation that sets out the plan for custody, time-sharing, decision-making, and resolving disputes. They also called it a parenting agreement. Our parenting lawyers in Parramatta, Sydney will provide you with assistance, legal advice, and guidance. Furthermore, our lawyers help parents to create comprehensive parenting plans that address all aspects of their children’s lives, such as schooling, health care, religious and social upbringing, extracurricular activities and more.

3. Consent Orders

Consent orders are formal agreements approved by the Family Court that outline the agreed-upon arrangements of parents for child custody, financial matters, or other issues after a separation or divorce. Our child custody lawyers offer several essential services for obtaining consent orders related to child custody matters. They assist in developing comprehensive consent orders that cover all the vital aspects of parenting agreements regarding child custody. 

They are capable of handling the preparation and lodgement of consent orders with the Family Court of Australia. Although court representation involves enforcement and compliance, modification, or variation to the child’s best interests, our Aussie child custody attorneys will be your legal partners.

4. Mediation and Dispute Resolution

Child custody matters can be emotionally and legally sensitive, which may create significant challenges for the parents. These complex situations even create a sense of disagreement between both of them. Mediation and dispute resolution in child custody matters are referred to as helping the parents reach agreements without needing court intervention. The main focus is resolving conflicts while creating parenting plans and addressing issues related to child custody, visitation, and parental responsibilities.

5. Relocation

Relocation in child custody matters when one parent wishes to move to a new location with the child. It may require some changes to existing parenting arrangements. They need a family lawyer or child custody lawyer to assist them. Australia has very complex laws regarding relocating a child with one parent. Our professional parenting solicitors provide parents with information and an understanding of their legal rights and obligations concerning relocation under family law. In such situation, one parent can oppose the other. They will also help them with the court representation of clients looking for relocation with their children. 

6. Dispute Resolution in Court

Dispute resolution in court for child custody involves legal proceedings when parents cannot agree on some points of parenting arrangements outside of court. These disputes may include child care and protection, child support, financial arrangements, and other essential matters. Only a professional team of children lawyers can help the parents resolve the dispute in this critical situation. Our expert lawyers provide legal services and court-ordered dispute resolution services between two parties. We will be there to lend a hand in your child custody-related disputes. Count on our lawyers’ inclusive child custody dispute resolution services in Australia. 

7. Child Support

A family breakdown can be complex for the children. There are many things to consider during a divorce, specifically emotional, physical, and financial support. The Australian law encourages parents to protect their children’s rights and provide support after their separation or divorce. It may require the arrangement of agreements regarding child support and financial assistance. We have a team of child support lawyers who can offer assistance in creating and finalizing agreements for child support.

8. Domestic Violence and Child Protection

Domestic violence and child protection are involved in those situations where a child’s safety and well-being are at risk due to domestic abuse or neglect after the separation of the parents. Physical abuse, child neglect, and emotional abuse are some of the conflicts that can damage a child. So, it is crucial to make sure you protect your child. Aussie legal children custody lawyers can help parents develop safety plans for victims and their children’s protection to escape dangerous situations, including obtaining protection orders. We will also assist the victims with information about their legal rights and options for protection under family law.

9. Appeals

An appeal is part of family law matters. It is the process of challenging a court’s decision regarding child custody, parenting arrangements, child support, or other vital issues of child custody. The occurrence of court appeals can be due to many reasons, including disagreements, relocation matters, and other challenging court decisions. Whether preparing an appeal, submitting written appeals, or gathering the necessary documents, our professional lawyers will help you in any way they can.

From legal advice to representation of the parties, commencing an appeal, and resolving or defending an appeal, Aussie Legal Partners is your one-stop-shop solution. If you need professional help regarding appellate court proceedings, presenting arguments, and court representation, count on our best child custody lawyers in Parramatta, Sydney, NSW without delay.

Get in touch with the Best Family Law Firm in Australia

If you want to be represented by the best child custody lawyers for your case then write us today!

What Makes us the Best Child Custody Lawyers in Parramatta, Sydney?

At Aussie Legal Partners, we take pride in being the best child custody law service providers. We provide the best law services, legal advice, and legal counseling regarding child custody-related issues. Our lawyers understand how sensitive child custody matters are for you. That’s why they stand out first in your search for “the best child custody lawyers near me.” Count on our team of child custody lawyers in Australia. Here is how we work and what we offer to our valued clients.

1. Objective Guidance and Support

When you visit our lawyers, you’ll find more than just legal services and expert advice. We offer a compassionate listening and a clear insight into your legal matters. Our main objective and perspective are to provide you with legal assistance in your situation. Our team of professional lawyers understands parents’ emotional state and the challenges that come with child custody disputes.

2. Mediation and Negotiation

The initial period of separation can be tricky and complex for both parents to understand and talk at the same table. As we know, negotiation is the first step in any legal matter. That’s why we are here to negotiate for you. Our expert lawyers play a role as mediators and communicate with other parties on your behalf so that they can reach an agreement. Our family dispute resolution practitioner will assist you in these circumstances and successfully resolve your issues through mediation and negotiation. We believe in finding peaceful resolutions whenever possible. Our experienced mediators are skilled at facilitating constructive conversations between parents.

3. Court Representation

If your child custody case requires court intervention, you can fiercely trust our professional advocate for you. Our professional child custody lawyers have a proven track record of success in family courts across Australia. We’ll present your case with clarity and conviction and fight for your child’s best interests. Whether it is the matter of full custody of a child or parental agreement, we will happily be your representatives in court. 

4. Expert Legal Services

Aussie legal partners have knowledgeable and well-versed lawyers who keep you informed on all necessary information and provide expert advice regarding child custody and parenting-related agreements. Our expert advice will help you make wise decisions about your children. Our children lawyers will help you understand custodial parents’ rights and responsibilities to secure your child’s best interests.

5. Customized and personalized strategies

We know each family is unique and understands their circumstances, so we adopt a personalized approach to their cases. We recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to child custody cases in Australia. We take the time to understand your family dynamics, concerns, and goals and resolve them accordingly. Our personalized strategies are designed to achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your child. You can rely on our child custody lawyers Sydney to develop the most effective legal strategies relevant to your circumstances.

Are You Looking for Child Custody Lawyers in Parramatta?

Aussie Legal Partners has an expert team of legal advisors, barristers, solicitors, counselors, trained mediators, and arbitrators to provide legal services in Sydney, Parramatta, Harris Parks, and other parts of Australia. Our professional team of child custody lawyers works with our clients to achieve the best outcome. We adopt a holistic approach to every case. We strive to provide sensible and cost-efficient solutions in difficult situations.


We have earned a reputation for being professional, compassionate, and knowledgeable child custody lawyers. They are specialized in dealing with all kinds of compulsory child custody cases. Your child will never face financial hardships, whether it’s education and healthcare, financial support, or protection. 

Our lawyers will provide you with a detailed child support plan, full honest advice, emotional counsel, and legal services at an affordable price. In sum we will explain how to complete process of custody of child in Australia and even get the full custody of your child.

Contact our team of child custody lawyers Sydney to book a 15-minute free consultation for an online phone appointment. We will arrange an immediate consultation to discuss your matter and finalize the formulation of the best strategies to resolve the rest of the child custody matter.


What does Child Custody mean?

In family law, child custody is related to legal arrangements concerning the care, welfare, and decision-making of a child after the divorce or separation of a couple. It primarily focuses on establishing clarity regarding the responsibilities and authorities related to the child. 

What is Child Support?

On the other hand, child support means one parent will provide financial aid to the other to cover all the child’s expenses. In Australia, this system ensures that children will continue receiving the necessary financial support and care from their parents even after their separation.